Some of our favorite family recipes and encouragement around food, family, and personal goals around meal time.
“Sopita” Mexican Shells and Cheese
Meal Planning: Social Distance Style
Because of social distancing, grocery stores have been unpredictable. We need to change the way we approach meal planning. Take the stress out of planning dinners with this simple four-step approach!
Simple Ideas to Foster Family Togetherness on Thanksgiving Day
Find simple ways to allow your kids to participate in Thanksgiving preparation, and facilitate lasting memories of family togetherness.
Chasing That “Good Enough” Feeling
Can I make a confession? The holidays hit me hard this year. I got dragged down by a serious overconsumption of sugar and carbs. I've been tired, moody, and taking consistent snack breaks because my body wanted more sweet and salty treats. I was chasing that "good...
Food and Fitness: Choosing a Better Frame of Mind
My mom loves the arts. Theater, photography, music, painting—you name it, she’s done it and done it well. For a while she got really into building her own picture frames. She would make time to go to the arts and crafts shop where she would carefully select the wood,...
Episode 027 | Back to the Book Nutrition – Part 2
Food is important, but more critically is sleep and stress. Unless you address these consistently, you will not get everything out of the perfect diet. Join me for the second part of my conversation with Dena Norton, registered dietician, as she shares practical tips...
Episode 026 | Back to the Book Nutrition – Part 1
Has proper nutrition been a difficult thing to control in your life? Do you find yourself reaching for snacks, even if you're not hungry? When we look at nutrition through a lens of God's purpose and order, we can learn to nourish & strengthen our body instead of...
10 Ways to Enjoy Thanksgiving Leftovers
Ah Thanksgiving. One of many holidays dedicated to food. For many of us, the overproduction and overconsumption of food. Oh glorious feast of mashed potatoes and turkey, swimming in gravy and lapped up with a warm roll. I digress. Unless you invite an army over for...
Episode 006 | Easy Nutrition for Busy Families
Easy Nutrition for Busy Families Who has time to prepare healthy food when there are so many unhealthy grab-and-go options? Sarah Jonsgaard talks real food for real families from navigating through grocery stores to helping kids choose healthy snacks. [iframe...
How to Grow an Indoor Garden
Grow your own vegetables in virtually any space "What? I could barely grow seeds in styrofoam cup in kindergarten. How am I supposed to grow an indoor garden?" What if growing a garden was not only easy, but possible to do in your small apartment and with no dirt?...
Living Whole: Baby Steps to a Healthier You
Here we are with January coming to a close and statistically speaking about 25% of you who made New Year’s resolutions didn’t even make it the first week. Oops! Do you fall into that 25% or are you still going strong? Isn’t it funny how nothing physically changes...
Living Whole: Eating Real Food
Whole foods. Paleo. Vegan. Vegetarian. Omnivore. All natural. Organic. Non-GMO. Can we agree that eating these days is far more complicated than when we were growing up? I know that it’s often left me feeling defeated, confused and guilty. I see two polarizing sides...
Living Whole: How Real Food Revitalized My Family
“Something isn’t right..." It was all I could think. Four years ago, I began experiencing debilitating vertigo, randomly throughout the day. Over the course of a week, I went from stumbling around in the dark to nurse my baby, to the inability to move; a desperate...
Mini Pumpkin Pies
We LOVE Pumpkin Pie. Chloe especially. She was asking for it around Halloween time, but I didn't want to make a whole pie (even though we would probably eat it... and by "we" I mean me... at midnight). But that's a struggle for a different blog post. As I perused...