by Jennifer Bryant | Dec 30, 2017 | Podcast
What if you could strengthen your relationship with God while you strengthened your body and mind? Meet Michelle Spadafora, founder of Faithful Workouts and author of faith-based fitness curriculum for adults and teens. Resources Mentioned in this Episode...
by Jennifer Bryant | Sep 21, 2017 | Food, Parenting, Podcast
Easy Nutrition for Busy Families Who has time to prepare healthy food when there are so many unhealthy grab-and-go options? Sarah Jonsgaard talks real food for real families from navigating through grocery stores to helping kids choose healthy snacks. Read...
by Sarah Jonsgaard | Feb 6, 2017 | Food, Guest Posts
Here we are with January coming to a close and statistically speaking about 25% of you who made New Year’s resolutions didn’t even make it the first week. Oops! Do you fall into that 25% or are you still going strong? Isn’t it funny how nothing physically changes...
by Sharon Kim | Jan 10, 2017 | Guest Posts
“I can eat a little more…I’ll just throw it up later so I don’t gain any weight.” This is how I used to justify my eating disorder a little over ten years ago. It just made me cringe writing and reading that first sentence, how I thought it was okay to eat anything...