Why do other moms seem to have it all together while you’re still struggling to hold on? Take simple steps to overcome envy and celebrate others as you grow.
The Sister Episode
When we did “Caught in Comparison” a few episodes ago, we had no idea it would lead to a deeper discussion around issues of jealousy and envy. The more we talked about it and asked other moms, the more these deep-seated feelings came to the surface.
Let’s face it: it’s nearly impossible to move forward in our lives when we feel left out, left behind, and less deserving than the next mom.
What Are Moms Most Jealous Of?
We asked moms in the Practical Family Resource Group how envy shows its face. Many said:
-How other moms seem to be handling it all
-How her kids seem to be further along academically
-How she seems to have every responsibility in the house while her family has extra idle time
It’s tough to see others further ahead and not compare yourself, or wonder why you’re not “there yet.”
Envy kills our sense of self, community, and our ability to be generous. Envy corrodes our hearts and convinces us that there is not enough goodness or happiness to go around.
Hope For the Wounded Heart
Jenn and Jordan share their own stories of envy, and take a look at the truth behind the lie that we’re not as good as the next person. We’ll look at one of Jesus’ parables from Luke 15 and see how the heart of God responds to feelings of envy.
4:40 – The Three Sisters to look out for
6:30 – Where jealousy pops up in our lives
9:20 – When we don’t feel seen or left behind
10:15 – The Other Son of Luke 15
14:40 – “I should be there by now” & the invisible ruler
15:10 – What to do with negativity
17:00 – A new definition of fairness
18:50 – What to ask yourself when you’re jealous
19:30 – What homeschoolers can give their kids
“Fairness is not when everyone gets the same thing. Fairness is when everyone gets what they need.”

Jennifer Bryant is the wife of a good man and mother of two precious kids. Her favorite things include reading, organizing, blogging, singing with her kids, laughing out loud with her husband, and making food for people. She lives in Honolulu, Hawaii and dreams of taking her family on marvelous adventures across the globe. In the meantime, she blogs about life and family at PracticalFamily.org, and encourages others to build practical skills for healthy communication, simple living, and discover their awesomeness. Read more here.

Jordan Marzan is originally from West Virginia, raised in a family of nine kids, former nanny of five, and a proud home school graduate (thanks mom!). She holds a degree in public relations and works as an actress, ballroom dancer, and podcaster. Much to her delight, Tyler (i.e. “Hawaiian Man-Candy”) agreed to marry her three years ago and they now live in Hawaii. They enjoy long naps on the beach and are trying to find a hobby that somehow combines dancing and racing cars.
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