
Jonathan McKee gives parents practical tools on how to approach technology with wisdom and grace instead of constant correction.


Jonathan McKee is the author of more than twenty-five books, including Teen’s Guide to Face-to-Face Connections in a Screen-to-Screen World; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon bestseller – The Guy’s Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for moms and dads on his website becomingscreenwise.com.

20+ years of experience with youth ministry and family research has taught him that parents need to connect with their kids just as much as they correct their kids— it’s the safe, loving conversations about screen use that will set kids up for a lifetime of good decisions and habits. 

What We Talk About

What should parents consider before handing their kids a device?

Tell us about age 13 – what regulations is the government even putting out there?

When it feels like alllll your friends have phones

The pressure is on, even for homeschooled kids!

Tech Giants who monitor tech use in their own home: President of Common Sense Media, Bill Gates, etc. 

Connection over Correction

How can parents take practical steps to get between kids and their screens without being too controlling? Age appropriate guidelines?

Different types of screens might require different restrictions, and why we’re probably asking the wrong questions about tech blocking.

How this book encourages real connective conversations

The Little Red Pager: Jenn got into plenty of trouble without a smart phone in high school.

When you feel like you’ve already messed up in your parenting journey with tech stuff.

Passwords: what you need to know

When devices are available late at night

The ONE rule you need to have (even if you forget all the rest)

The powerful testimony from the father of a daughter

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