
Have you wondered how to handle Halloween as a Christian family? Is it okay to dress up your kids and “celebrate” this holiday?

In this episode, Jenn Bryant shares her take on Halloween, options for safe practices as a Christian family, and how to redeem this holiday for Christ and be a light to your community.

Listen Below

Fall is upon us, and so is Halloween. It’s the time of year when wardrobes of witches, fairies and dragons crowd the back corner of department stores. Giant boxes of pumpkins o’plenty at our neighborhood Costcos and Whole Foods. It’s also the one holiday that good Christians can’t wait to be over with so we can prepare for the real Jesus holidays –  Thanksgiving and Christmas, of course.

That’s how I used to feel growing up. My parents raised us in church and always make sure that we knew right from wrong, good from evil, and never shied away from pointing out that we have an enemy, an adversary, a devil who prowls around like a lion, seeking who he may devour (1 Peter 5:8 NASB).

They were right to warn us, we need to know there is a war waging for our souls. My parents didn’t allow us to participate in trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.

When we were old enough, and churches started coming out with Halloween alternatives like Harvest Festivals or Hallelujah Night, we were able to spend time together as a Christian family and celebrate the goodness of the harvest that God brings in the form of provision, friends, family, and especially food.

Christian family and celebrate the goodness of the harvest that God brings in the form of provision, friends, family, and especially food.

Fall is upon us, and so is Halloween. It’s the time of year when wardrobes of witches, fairies and dragons crowd the back corner of department stores. Giant boxes of pumpkins o’plenty at our neighborhood Costcos and Whole Foods. It’s also the one holiday that good Christians can’t wait to be over with so we can prepare for the real Jesus holidays –  Thanksgiving and Christmas, of course.

We were instructed not to dress in unsavory or unnecessarily scary costumes, so as not to give the devil a foothold [insert scripture]. Instead we should consider Biblical characters like Moses, King David, Deborah, or Mary. (not Delilah or Jezebel). The smart aleck in me almost asked, “What about Adam and Eve???”

What I learned from my parents’ convictions is that it was okay to take a stand up and be different, that we didn’t have to be like everyone else. While that’s true, I also have to decide how to raise my own kids. We choose to participate in Halloween, and I’ll tell you why:

Halloween is the one time of year when the whole neighborhood comes directly to our door, and we have the amazing opportunity display joy, generosity, creativity, in love. We want to serve our community with an open door, and I believe that being that kind of light does not mean denouncing or compromising our faith.

Listen to the episode above, take or leave what you will, but these are own own personal convictions on how to handle this once haunted holiday of Halloween.

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