Guest Blogging Guidelines

Looking to expand your network and reach more people with your message? Guest blogging is one of the best ways to do that! Practical Family is happy to invite guest bloggers to submit a well-written, high quality, original article to be featured on our website.

While we are not paying guest writers at this time, sharing your ideas on our platform is great exposure, and will help to boost traffic to your site. We believe in contributing to a community of bloggers who help to boost each other. That way everyone wins!

Visit our Press Kit page and view our current reach pulled directly from Google Analytics.

Topics of Interest

The 2019 Guest Blog Series will focus on messages of practical encouragement for families in the following categories:

FAITH How your relationship with God has affected how you see yourself as a child of God

FAMILY Dynamics of family life & encouragement for getting through messy seasons

PARENTING How experience has shaped your view of parenting, obstacles you’ve overcome

HOMESCHOOL Discovering different ways to approach education at home and / or why this calling is so important


Your post can be written from an angle that is most comfortable for your style:

  • Prescriptive: Based on your practical experience (i.e., here’s what I’ve learned and what you can do to solve this problem)
  • Task Oriented: Based on practical steps you’ve taken and can recommend to others (i.e., 5 ways you can _____)
  • Reflective: Based on a difficult period in your life (i.e., here’s where I was, and how I overcame, what I would have done differently)
  • Encouraging: Based on your understanding of a common struggle, relate to a particular problem within the category and show the reader how to cope.

Posts must always be written from the humble perspective of a guide, not an expert. Practice showing and not telling the reader what to do, but reveal how your life was transformed and how theirs can be, too.

Every post must include scripture and / or point back to God as an ultimate source of healing, strength, or any other character trait as it applies. Reference all scriptures with the version of the Bible you are using (i.e., Psalm 23:4 NASB).



Topic must relate well with the vision and heart of Practical Family, which is a Christian faith-based family & resource blog.

Practical Family will feature your article, link to your website and any social media platforms you submit on our blog page as well as our social media platforms, including but not limited to: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.


Please adhere to the following guidelines for an increased likelihood that your article will be chosen:

  • Choose a compelling title focused on the felt need of the reader (i.e., your reader is the hero and you are the guide helping them to overcome an obstacle)
  • 1-2 sentence description for metadata
  • Word Count: 850 (max)
  • All grammar and spelling are correct (no typos)
  • All links are accurate and not spammy

We will send you an approximate publishing date as well as a Practical Family site badge graphic to advertise for the release on your site and social media pages. Once submitted, we may return your work with notes for revisions or do some minor editing before publishing to the site.


Click the button below to submit your completed post.


Giving Back

We ask that you do not publish your submitted post in full on your own site, but that you link to Practical Family when referencing this specific work.

You may, however, publish a portion of the article, and then link to the Practical Family URL for the reader to finish.

This process prevents duplicate content (which Google will flag), but also helps that cycle of traffic and sharing. Please contribute to the Practical Family community also by “liking” and “following” Practical Family on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to share our content as it is applicable to your audience within your newsletter or similar medium.

Feel free to contact us with any questions. Thank you for your consideration and we hope to collaborate with you soon!

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