
Press Kit

Practical Family is now accepting offers from potential collaboration opportunities whose products and missions are an excellent fit for our readers and blends seamlessly with our message of building strong families and healthy homes. Practical Family has been growing since 2015 and the majority of our readers comprise families raising and educating children. See our current statistics represented above, pulled directly from Google Analytics. Feel free to use this press kit to evaluate your company’s advertising needs based on our reach.

If you have not already visited out Start Here page, please review this first in order to have a clear vision for our mission and the audience we serve.


Guest Posting

We are open to guest blog posts which promote programs or products that we feel will meet the direct needs of our readers. See our Guest Blogging Guidelines here. If there is a product promotion involved other than a book we are personally interested in endorsing, an advertising fee may apply.


CONTACT: jenn at practicalfamily dot org

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