Our guests today are two classical homeschooling mamas of five children each who have collaborated to create a wonderful resource for parents who homeschool the classical way.
Amy Atkins and Sara Burns of Sunshine and Oranges bring hope for overwhelmed mamas just trying to figure out this homeschooling thing, and are an example of finding mom friendship in community.
Join us as we talk about cultivating friendship, asking for help, and what they’ve created to equip themselves and other families like yours for success in the classical model of homeschooling.
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[bctt tweet=”Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin” username=”PracticalFamily”]
What is Classical Homeschooling?
The classical model of homeschooling is a language-focused way of learning, based on a pattern of teaching the three stages known as The Trivium: Grammar, Dialectic, & Rhetorical.
During the early years, children are taking in the world around them, grasping the building blocks of learning. Parents focus on fact memorization using pneumonic devices like music, rhythm and repetition. Children memorize facts, dates, people, and places in order to build a foundation of knowledge that will be utilized in the later stages. This stage in life is when our brains are open to absorb vast amounts of information.
Around fifth grade, children are able to take what they’ve learned and analyze at a deeper level. More connections to the real world can be made at this “logic” stage. Around 10-12 years old they have grown the capacity for more abstract thinking and can use their foundation of facts to ask more mature “why” questions and be able to communicate on a higher intellectual level. They are able to use logic and use critical thinking to critique scenarios in science, math, history, and language.
This final stage depends on the first two stages, and while emphasizing learning through language (written and spoken), the middle to teenaged years are meant to practice expressing in original ways. They must use the facts and skills of analysis they’ve acquired to express conclusions in intentionally clear, forceful, and elegant language.
Classical Education focuses on the study of the arts and is systematic in nature, focusing on reading and language first to build a strong basis of clear communication and knowledge of the world.
We use the Classical Conversations curriculum that you can learn more about classical homeschooling on our Homeschool Page.