The Men Who Gave their Lives for Mine

The Men Who Gave their Lives for Mine

Last year on Memorial Day, we gathered with friends to potluck. At one point, the host asked us to share in the group what significance this holiday held for us. I shared that my grandfather, Ken Logan, flew missions in the South Pacific, that he was brave and...
Lumberjack Theme Party

Lumberjack Theme Party

I never thought I liked party planning. Then I learned to use Pinterest as a tool for inspiration instead of a standard of excellence. Sharing ideas is one of the main reasons I got into blogging, and Pinterest is the idea capitol of the internet. The reason I...

Living Whole: Baby Steps to a Healthier You

Here we are with January coming to a close and statistically speaking about 25% of you who made New Year’s resolutions didn’t even make it the first week. Oops! Do you fall into that 25% or are you still going strong? Isn’t it funny how nothing physically changes...

Give Each Other a Break

My husband is a surfer. In the summertime when the swell is big on the south shore, he will get up before dawn and hit the water with friends or on his own. He needs that, it’s his time away from the house, from work, to enjoy the life he’s blessed with. I...

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