by Jennifer Bryant | Aug 22, 2019 | Parenting
I’ve been a mother for nine years. Nine. They’re supposed to move out when they’re eighteen, right? So the way I figure, I’m about halfway done! But not really. We just got through the needy, whiny, do everything for me baby stages. Now...
by Jennifer Bryant | Jul 3, 2019 | Parenting, Podcast
Detouring for motherhood, the prospect of being a SAHM can be scary. Jen Babakhan encourages us that motherhood can be the best detour you’ll ever take. Click below to listen! Meet the Author! Jen has her degree in public relations, has worked as a marketing...
by Bethany Howard | Mar 20, 2019 | Parenting
The Labor of Motherhood: When the Minutes Seem Like Hours I delivered my firstborn son 12 years ago. The labor pains were intense and the minutes felt like hours as I struggled with back labor. Labor left me achingly tired and emptied of all that I possessed within...
by Jennifer Bryant | Feb 2, 2019 | Podcast
Pregnant women go through plenty of changes, but what if those changes are not only unexpected, but exhausting and even scary? Jaclyn Flores shares her first pregnancy experience that knocked her off her feet and onto her knees. Hear about how she learned how to trust...