
The Labor of Motherhood: When the Minutes Seem Like Hours

I delivered my firstborn son

12 years ago.

The labor pains

were intense

and the minutes

felt like hours as

I struggled with back labor.

Labor left me achingly tired

and emptied of all that

I possessed within me.

This emptiness helped me realize

that I was capable of things

that were beyond me.

There was strength

past the point where my strength ended

and my weakness began.

How is that possible?

I was so glad when my baby boy

was finally here

and the labor pains were over…

At least I thought they were over.

The labor pains haven’t really let up.

The stretching,

the growing

hasn’t stopped.

This is motherhood.

This is refinement,

this is purging,

this is letting go of what I should not hold to

and instead

clinging to what I must hold tight to.

Motherhood brings me to the end of myself –

to a place where my strength runs out

and weakness begins.

And it’s here that God meets me

bringing his strength.

It’s here where God works.

It’s here where he refines

and works to remove that

which doesn’t reflect him.

It’s here that I am capable of

things that are beyond me.

It’s here where wisdom meets me.

These labor pains of parenthood

mean that I am growing along with my kids.

Honestly, I don’t like it here.

It’s okay to say that.

Parenthood is hard.

I guess I thought if you were doing it

right it would be easy.

But the opposite is true.

Let’s not sugar coat it –

refinement isn’t fun and

it doesn’t always feel good –

but it is a pain that takes me

to where I need to be.

It remakes me.


Questions for Reflection

1) Where are you feeling the stretching, the growing of motherhood right now?
2) It’s okay to say that parenthood is hard. How can you make some time to seek wisdom?
3) Take some time to reflect how has motherhood remade you up to this point in time.
Answer any or all of these questions in your personal journal, in prayer, or in the comments below. We will be sure to pray for you!


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