Education does not lie in a college degree, but our willingness to be lifelong learners. Here’s what you need to take the next step in wisdom.
What is Education, Anyway?
Education is so much more than a four-year degree has to offer. We can get lost in believing that the approval of an institution defines our intellect or ability.
Mama, you have what it takes to raise great kids! We learn in many ways, including:
-Life experience
-Work experience
-Our mistakes
-Trying over and over
-Doing hard things
Let this episode encourage you in the practical difference between knowledge and wisdom. Ask God in faith, and He will guide your next steps. Read this Bible passage:
“If any of you lacks wisdom…” James 1:5-6
In this episode, Jenn and Jordan talk about five examples of how parents have used their “education” to take the next steps in their faith and family journey. (Told from Jenn’s personal experience)
1. Preschool Employee
2. The Miller Family
3. Military Mom continuing education
4. Biology Mom
5. Versatility of Teaching & Communication
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” -Albert Einstein
Resources Mentioned in this Episode
All the Things Vodcast with Tiffany Jo Baker – Episode 8
All the Things Vodcast with Tiffany Jo Baker – Episode 9
Most Likely to Succeed (documentary)
Homeschool Made Simple – Membership
Practical Family Resource Group
Duolingo + Babble apps for language education

Jennifer Bryant is the wife of a good man and mother of two precious kids. Her favorite things include reading, organizing, blogging, singing with her kids, laughing out loud with her husband, and making food for people. She lives in Honolulu, Hawaii and dreams of taking her family on marvelous adventures across the globe. In the meantime, she blogs about life and family at, and encourages others to build practical skills for healthy communication, simple living, and discover their awesomeness. Read more here.

Jordan Marzan is originally from West Virginia, raised in a family of nine kids, former nanny of five, and a proud home school graduate (thanks mom!). She holds a degree in public relations and works as an actress, ballroom dancer, and podcaster. Much to her delight, Tyler (i.e. “Hawaiian Man-Candy”) agreed to marry her three years ago and they now live in Hawaii. They enjoy long naps on the beach and are trying to find a hobby that somehow combines dancing and racing cars.
Episode 112 | Pregnancy Loss and the Christian Mom
There is hope and support for grieving mothers, experiencing pregnancy loss. Rachel shows us how to be compassionate with our loved ones.
Episode 111 | How to Equip Your Kids to be Wise with Technology
Jonathan McKee gives parents practical tools on how to approach technology with wisdom and grace instead of constant correction.
Episode 110 | How to Raise Resilient Kids
What the link between family schedules and life expectancy tells us about teaching kids to be resilient adults.