Digging into the best things to look for in a friendship, how to be a good friend, and how to find your village.
Resources Mentioned in this Episode
Enneagram Personalities Episode
Your Friendship Superpower According to Your Enneagram Type
Seven Deadly Friendships, Mary DeMuth
QUIZ: What kind of friend are you?
Episode 054 | Why We Need Mom Mentors – Sarah Mae
Sally Clarkson’s Podcast: At Home with Sally
Never Unfriended: The Secret to Finding & Keeping Lasting Friendships
Jennifer Bryant is the wife of a good man and mother of two precious kids. Her favorite things include reading, organizing, blogging, singing with her kids, laughing out loud with her husband, and making food for people. She lives in Honolulu, Hawaii and dreams of taking her family on marvelous adventures across the globe. In the meantime, she blogs about life and family at PracticalFamily.org, and encourages others to build practical skills for healthy communication, simple living, and discover their awesomeness. Read more here.
Jordan Marzan is originally from West Virginia, raised in a family of nine kids, former nanny of five, and a proud home school graduate (thanks mom!). She holds a degree in public relations and works as an actress, ballroom dancer, and podcaster. Much to her delight, Tyler (i.e. “Hawaiian Man-Candy”) agreed to marry her three years ago and they now live in Hawaii. They enjoy long naps on the beach and are trying to find a hobby that somehow combines dancing and racing cars.
Episode 103 | How to Train Your Kids in Home Care
Raising young men in today’s world can be tough, but not impossible. Monica Swanson encourages moms to study their sons to form real relationships and lasting character.
Episode 102 | Boy Mom Strong: Building Young Men of High Character
Raising young men in today’s world can be tough, but not impossible. Monica Swanson encourages moms to study their sons to form real relationships and lasting character.
Episode 101 | Why Motherhood Matters and How to Handle Homeschool
Veteran homeschool mother September McCarthy gives her best advice about homeschooling with purpose and why motherhood matters so much in these early years.