by Jennifer Bryant | May 12, 2017 | Parenting
When I first began this post for Mother’s Day, my thought was to explain this famous passage in a way that a modern, “liberated” woman could understand it, living in a society that champions equality and strength and proficiency. What it takes to be a wise woman… But...
by Sarah Jonsgaard | Feb 6, 2017 | Food, Guest Posts
Here we are with January coming to a close and statistically speaking about 25% of you who made New Year’s resolutions didn’t even make it the first week. Oops! Do you fall into that 25% or are you still going strong? Isn’t it funny how nothing physically changes...
by Sharon Kim | Jan 10, 2017 | Guest Posts
“I can eat a little more…I’ll just throw it up later so I don’t gain any weight.” This is how I used to justify my eating disorder a little over ten years ago. It just made me cringe writing and reading that first sentence, how I thought it was okay to eat anything...
by Sarah Jonsgaard | Nov 24, 2016 | Food, Guest Posts
“Something isn’t right…” It was all I could think. Four years ago, I began experiencing debilitating vertigo, randomly throughout the day. Over the course of a week, I went from stumbling around in the dark to nurse my baby, to the inability to move; a...
by Jennifer Bryant | Sep 1, 2016 | Guest Posts, Parenting
This post is over a year and a half in the making. I’ve had some time to live through cycles of emotions and new perspectives, and will continue to learn. But after the dust has settled, here is where I stand – humbled, but confident in pieces of the...