NCFCA Speech & Debate


Help Chloe and Asher get to the National Open Tournament in North Carolina! It’s a chance to share their public speaking experience with students from all over the country. This kind of exposure will help them grow as speakers and young people who are confident citizens in their country. Click below to donate by December 31, 2023.

  • North Carolina National Open 2024 100% 100%

$3,000 out of $3,000 raised

We Reached Our Goal!

Chloe Bryant

Chloe joined NCFCA Honolulu when she was 12 years old. She competed in three qualifier tournaments in the spring of 2022 with two speech events: Impromptu and Informative Speaking. Chloe qualified for Regional Championships with her informative speech on The Archerfish. She also worked on a Biblical Presentation piece on the book of Jonah and presented at the National Online Open. This year, Chloe is studying apologetics and planning a duo interpretation speech with Asher.

“At first, I didn’t want to do speech and debate because I thought it would be boring. But after being in the program for a few weeks, I realized that everyone didn’t have high expectations of me. I could work from where I’m comfortable and learn from there. I hope to improve more each year and become a more confident to use my speaking skills toward a career in acting.”


Impromptu Speech

(2 minutes prep, random topic)


Informative Speech

The Archerfish


Impromptu Speech

(2 minutes prep, random topic)


Biblical Presentation
National Online Open

“The Book of Jonah”


Asher Bryant

Asher joined NCFCA Honolulu when he was 11 years old. He is a natural talker, but the training NCFCA has afforded him has grown his confidence like nothing else. The chance to study different ways of speaking and practice in front of his peers has been an important experience to overcome his fears and try new things. This will be his first year competing in tournament season, studying apologetics, and planning a duo interpretation speech with Chloe. 

“I thought speech and debate wouldn’t be fun, but now I like it and recommend other students try it, too. I love that we get to be in club with a lot of experienced people who teach me how to get better. I hope I can grow to be a good speaker that people enjoy listening to.”


Impromptu Speech 2/2022

(2 minutes of prep, random topic)

Impromptu Speech 10/2022

(2 minutes of prep, random topic)

North Carolina 2023 Tournament Updates

Thanks to our generous donors, we got to participate in the NCFCA National Open Tournament in Black Mountain, North Carolina! Follow along with our journey here.

Qualifier 2 Tournament

February 23, 24, 25  2023


Competed in Impromptu, Duo Interpretation and Open Interpretation

***1st Place – Open Interpretation***


Competed in Impromptu, and Duo Interpretation

Regional Championship

April 27, 28, 29 2023

Chloe qualified for Regionals in 3 categories!

Impromptu, Open Interpretation, and Informative

She will compete with these 2 prepared speeches, and continue to practice her skills in Impromptu speaking. In this tournament, she will have the chance to qualify for the National Championship at the University of Northwestern in Minnesota.

If she qualifies, we will need to raise funds quickly for Jenn and Chloe to travel in mid June. We appreciate any support from our sponsors as the kids continue to grow in their communication skills.

Once we announce the outcome of the tournament, feel free to donate through the button below, or contact Jenn for other methods.


The Bryant Family

National Championship

June 11-16, 2023

University of Northwestern, Minnesota


Chloe qualified for the National Championship with her Informative Speech. 

We will need to raise funds quickly for Jenn and Chloe to travel in mid June. We appreciate any support you can provide!


The Bryant Family

Thank You!

You helped us get to Minnesota! We raised all the funds we need and we fly out Friday, June 9th. Stay tuned for more videos on our time at Nationals. Wooooo!

National Championship

June 11-16, 2023

University of Northwestern, Minnesota

Jenn and Chloe traveled to Minnesota to join over 400 other competitors from all over the country. We saw topics and techniques that inspired and encouraged our hearts for the future of the next generation! So many creative ideas for next year, Chloe is already putting topics together for future speeches. 

Chloe competed in the first three rounds with her Informative speech. She did not advance to the next round, but we all had a ton of fun watching the winners. 

Enjoy our videos and watch Chloe’s edited ADHD speech as well as the winning speeches from this year’s competition. 

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