Do you ever feel guilty for being the one that gets things done?

Do people expect you to make plans and make sure everything goes well, but also poke fun at you for being organized or a bit of a control freak? If you’re a woman who gets things done and just wants a little appreciation, l totally understand.

 Katie Reid shares her experience as a modern day “Martha” and how she has learned to put on grace when the desire to do it all has left her tired and striving. Learn how to live as God’s daughter and accept help so you can sit at the feet of Jesus guilt-free.

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Katie has been married to Adam for almost seventeen years, and is the mother of five loud children (ages two to fourteen). Besides Jesus and her family, cut-to-the-chase conversations and musicals are a few of her favorite things. 

Katie encourages others to exchange try-hard striving for hope-filled freedom through her messages, articles, songs, and resources. She is a trained bible study facilitator and author of the book, Made Like Martha: Good News for the Woman Who Gets Things Done. 

For decades, Katie tried to prove she was enough until a dusty, living room revelation changed all that. Katie is passionate about sharing the good news of grace with anyone who will listen.

 Be Who You’re Made To Be

“Jesus loved Martha, and He never asked her to be Mary. He simply pointed out that she didn’t have to serve from a place of striving and worry.” – Katie M. Reid

I like to be the planner to avoid chaos, but I don’t want to come off as bossy or inflexible. When the negative comments make you want to take a back seat to planning, remember not to doubt who God made you to be. There are times when your unique gifts will be useful and a blessing, not every time, but they are there for a reason.

Grace is a gift to be received, not a prize to be earned. -@Katie_M_Reid ‏ Click To Tweet

If you want to parent and love on your family from a place of peace instead of living in a mad rush to get things done, listen to this message of God’s grace and know you’re not alone.

Getting It “All” Done

Resting and knowing we’re a daughter and it’s not all up to us takes a lot of that burden off having to please everyone. I no longer need to get it all done, because I know Daddy has it.

“God is not company to impress, He is family to enjoy.” – Katie M. Reid

If I’m expecting perfection from my kids, I’m going to be constantly disappointed.

They are recipients of grace, as I learn it from God, it helps the whole family to relax. But sometime we have to teach our kids to persevere. I can’t enable them or raise them to be lazy, we need to learn to steward our things and push through difficulty – even when it’s easier to finish a job myself.

Our to do list doesn’t leave room for the daughter in us, and sometimes I need to take on more of a carefree attitude without anxiety about the next urgent matter. My heart rests when I choose to play, or walk, or just sit and read a book with the kids. These moments bond my heart to theirs.  When I honor my family first God almost always gives that time back to me.

Multitasking Is Not Always Productive

Often my less productive times are when I’m trying to do it all, but in fact my anxiety is higher because my brain is trying to do toomany things. I’ll feel myself start to short-circuit and become short with my words, or bark orders at the kids.

My husband has seen this pattern over and over again, but I justify myself because they’re all GOOD things. He had to tell me, “Jenn there’s only so much time in the day, and you’re coming close to that point again.”

Your to-do list has value, but it doesn’t determine your value – @Katie_M_Reid ‏CLICK TO TWEET

I have to block out my time because I get addicted to productivity, but productivity does not equal my value.

As Katie says, we only have so much bandwidth, and we can’t compete with the perception of the mom next door or on social media. Your time has to be a good fit for you and your family.

Back In Balance

Things get out of balance when we:

  1. Compare ourselves to others
  2. Try to impress people
  3. Make ourselves fit the mold of someone else’s life
  4. Cling to our own high expectations

Instead, say YES to God Assignments and NO to guilt and manipulation.

Instead of thinking, “a good wife, mom, or church member would do this….” or “it’s not a big deal, I can handle that, too,” just say HELP. Link arms, and delegate to others who are also good at things. Don’t rob others of the blessings of helping.

Mom to Mom Coupons

Instead of trying to do it all and feeling crushed under the weight, offer to serve others with the things that energize you in exchange for something they love!

Download the Mom to Mom Coupon Book and bless a friend with the gift of your time.

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