
Our Story

How we started and where we’re going




 Tom & Jen

by Jennifer Bryant

I remember so clearly the day I came home from full-time ministry in 2016. Suddenly, I was navigating a new season as a stay-at-home mom, trying to make sense of what it meant to make thoughtful decisions for my home and family. While I cherished these moments with my kids, I felt a familiar restlessness stirring within me. The truth was, I was built for more than just the endless cycle of vacuuming, dishes, and laundry. The journalist in me was alive and eager to share my experiences—to help other mothers like me make practical, efficient choices in their own journeys.

This desire to connect and serve birthed Practical Family in those early days. I wanted to create a space where families could find practical wisdom, encouragement, and resources for their everyday challenges.

Words Spoken

In 2017, the Practical Family Podcast was born. I was honored to invite friends, writers, and speakers from across the country to share their insights and experiences with my growing audience. Over time, we recorded 112 episodes, including the deeply meaningful Strong Enough series with my amazing friend Jordan Marzan during the Covid-19 pandemic—a time when we all needed reminders of our resilience and strength. Jordan went on to get her law degree and continues to communicate to affect change in our community.

Products Offered

As our family homeschooled with Classical Conversations for five years, I found myself creating resources that made our educational journey more manageable. These digital downloads became a way to support other homeschooling families in the CC community. While we eventually transitioned to a more eclectic style of schooling that better suited our children’s unique needs, Practical Family continues to offer weekly sheets for all three cycles of Classical Conversations in our Shop and on Etsy.


Along this winding path, I’ve been blessed to partner with incredible people who share my passion for nurturing families. Working alongside Trisha Childers who created the Home on Purpose program, and Tom & Jen Catanzaro who provide coaching centered on spiritual formation out of California, expanded the ways we can support families like yours. They are homeschooling five sweet kiddos. Trisha is now teaching in Colorado, and raising her two sweet kiddos.


In 2021, I published my first book – a Christmas devotional called 25 Days of Jesus: An Advent Journey through the Gospel of Luke. This process taught me a lot about the self-publishing process which I now coach people on through JB Digital Consulting. Helping people make their publishing dreams a reality!

Clarified Calling

As Practical Family evolved, I discovered my deepest calling was to serve mothers in their mental, emotional, and spiritual journeys. This realization is blossoming into new initiatives for 2025, including The Enough Mom podcast and Collective experiences. I now offer personal and business coaching, drawing from my years of experience as a blogger in the creative spaces of Christian women’s writing and speaking.

As I continue to homeschool my high school students, we run a speech and debate club for our homeschool co-op in Honolulu and compete in NCFCA tournaments throughout the year. I highly recommend NCFCA wherever you are in the United States. Check out our family speech page here to see our family’s journey through public speaking!

For more focused content on speaking topics, coaching, encouragement, and The Enough Mom brand (among other exciting projects in development), you can visit Jennifer-Bryant.com.

Stay Connected

I’d love to continue walking alongside you in your family journey. Until further notice, Practical Family will not be updated regularly, but past articles, products, and episodes are available for you to read, purchase, and listen. Please visit Jennifer-Bryant.com and sign up for my email list to receive encouragement, practical tips, and updates on new resources from me.


Jennifer Bryant

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