The Who Was book series have captivated my elementary aged students for years. These narrative picture books are smart, fun, and entertaining to learn about history and prominent places in the world. This Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Who Was Book List is meant as a supplement to enhance learning and books have been chosen solely on the content being covered in Cycle 1.
I will be doing Who Was… giveaways in the Practical Family Community Group. Click to join.

Who Was Book List
I have matched every subject that I could find that seems remotely relevant to the corresponding week’s history sentence or geography topic. Some weeks it was the fine arts (yay Mozart!).
Not every week is represented because the Who Was series has simply not made enough book topics covering world history. But for Cycle 3, there was a plethora of topics that spanned every week and then some! (U.S. History took the cake on that one… you can see the Cycle 3 list on this page if you’re interested).
Each link will take you to the Amazon link to order that way. What’s nice as a homeschool blogger is that Amazon shares a small percentage of that sale with me as long as people use my link to purchase. So every link you follow from this page will help to support this resource website. Thanks for being a big part of that!
If you enjoy our resources, please join our private Facebook Community Group and sign up for the newsletter where I share exclusive content, give you the chance to offer helpful feedback, and do giveaways each month. Thanks for supporting our Practical Family!
Week 1
What are the Ten Commandments?
Week 5
Week 8
Week 9
Week 11
Week 22
Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?
This is very helpful! Are you doing this for Cycle 3?
Hey Marie!
Yes! I just added the Cycle 3 book list to that main page:
Do you have Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 Who Was Series Book list on pdf? I have a Cycle 3 list printed out for my boys, but can’t seem to find, Cycle 2 or 1 list in pdf format.