Christmas doesn’t have to be stressful! When you prepare yourself to plan for Christmas, everybody wins. Kathi Lipp is here with help for the holidays!
Meet the Author!
Kathi Lipp is the author of 17 books, including Clutter Free, The Get Yourself Organized Project, and Overwhelmed. She is the host of the Clutter Free Academy Podcast! With Kathi Lipp and speaks at conferences all over the U.S. Kathi has been named “Best of Broadcast” on Focus on the Family, twice, and founded The Leverage Conference for Christian speakers. She and her husband Roger spit their time living between San Jose, California, and the El Dorado Mountains running a retreat center for writers.
Me? Plan for Christmas? It’s too early!
Ok, I know what you’re thinking: we’re only in October and already talking about Christmas. I really don’t mean to shove Christmas in your face, but you might thank me later!
Now is the time to plan for the Christmas YOU want. That’s right, I know you have your own hopes and dreams about this holiday. Maybe you’ve turned in to more of a Scrooge lately because of some past difficulty around all the merriment.
Maybe Christmas reminds you of obligations to people you’d rather not be around. (We all have them!)
On the other hand, if you absolutely love Christmas and can’t wait to get started, this episode will equip you to be smart about your planning process and help you to make this holiday extra special for all involved.
The Best Tips to Plan for Christmas
Wherever you land on the festivity spectrum, let’s do our best to have an open attitude about the season of lights and joy and giving. Let’s stop focusing on what others want, and instead focus on what your family really needs.
Kathi and I will hit on some important points to ponder, like:
-What most women try to do around the holidays
-The 2 out of 3 things you can count on happening (and how wishing for more makes things hard)
-Why holidays are a hotbed time for worrying about what everyone else thinks
Connect with Kathi
Resources Mentioned in this Episode
Christmas Project Planner on Amazon
Christmas Project Planner |
Post-It Notes that fit the Christmas planner
-How to get the Have-to’s before Thanksgiving, so you can do the Get-to’s.
-What not to worry about when you have small kids.
-Why getting everything on your calendar is so important
-Why tradition can be a trap
-The thing about that 7,000 foot roll of Costco wrapping paper (we exaggerate, but this one is funny!
You get to decide wear is important to YOU this Christmas. Pick up Kathi’s Christmas Project Planner and plan to have the best Christmas ever!
“Instead of everybody else’s priorities, make sure your family’s priorities make it on your calendar.”
We’re giving away 2 copies of the Christmas Project Planner! Like and follow @practical_family on Instagram and follow the instructions on the post with the picture of the planner. Winner announced Monday, October 28th.
Click the image to get The Christmas Project Planner!
But next season, don’t stress your “elf” out. Be ready with this amazing planner designed to help you get a handle on the holidays. Stay organized (and sane) when you put expectations aside and choose to focus on the things you truly want to do during Christmas. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish with just a little more organization and less obligation. The simple projects in this book will help you stay on schedule so you can spend more time enjoying your friends and family instead of frantically trying to cobble Christmas together at the last minute (again).
You can do this! Let clutter-free queen Kathi Lipp show you how.

Family Christmas Devotional
25 Days of Jesus is a quick-read book. December 1st – 25th is marked by one scripture from each chapter of Luke, a short devotional, and a prayer. By the end of the month, you will have walked through Jesus’ lifespan from birth to resurrection.
Available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle ebook. Audio book available through this website.