We continue the conversation about race and how to move forward in our communities to educate ourselves and be open to change.
Meet the Author!
Dr. Lucretia Carter Berry received her Ph.D. in Education (Curriculum & Instruction) from Iowa State University. She created a curriculum for adults to understand the roots of race of history and in their own lives called What Lies Between Us: Fostering First Steps Toward Racial Healing. Lucretia and her husband Nathan have three little girls who are the inspiration for their work through Brownicity.com.
Transformation Begins with Education
Lucretia compares that transformation of our minds to the life cycle of a butterfly. The butterfly has to lose something in order to become something different. What kinds of ideologies are we willing to part with in order to grow, and listen to our friends of color?
Unlike other created beings, humans were created to be critical thinkers. We are able to “see how we think” and have the capacity overwrite lies with truths. We don’t have to remain products of our environment.
Coming into relationships with people who are different than us does not have to be scary. Lucretia explains how being racialized has taught us not to give different ethnicities of people a chance at friendship because they look different.
“I got the education, which gave me the capacity to get the revelation, that fostered transformation.”
Connect with Lucreita
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Resources Mentioned in this Episode
What Lies Between Us (study guide)
Race: The Power of an Illusion
Community Question
Lucretia answers a question from a mama in our Practical Family Community, and shares about the tools her parents gave her to identify racism in every-day-life. They didn’t want her to interpret ignorant comments as a commentary on her as a person. She says that they saved her from internalizing negative thoughts as she grew in wisdom and belief as an “image-bearer” of God.
We need to equip ourselves as much as possible so we can give our children what they need when they need it. The topic of race doesn’t need to be taboo. Let’s learn more so we have the language to discuss it openly and in love.
4:03 – How Romans 12:2 can help us understand where to place ourselves in the race conversation
6:00 – God conversations and how we’re being informed
8:33 – Neuroplasticity and how a marriage analogy illustrates transformation
10:40 – Moving forward and moving together in understanding
15:40 – Pray for some education and genuine friendships
18:40 – Intentional steps to be countercultural
20:17 – Question from our Practical Family Community: How to start the conversation with young children.
23:05 – How Lucretia’s parents gave her the tools at a young age
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