Telling the Greatest Story Through Music

Give your kids the chance to learn the Biblical message through music! Check out my conversation with Vince Pierri and download his album The Greatest Story Ever Told to sing through the hiSTORY of the Bible with your family.

Click below to listen!

About the Songwriter

Vince Pierri’s passion is to see people of all ages encounter the love of God through transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. He has ministered to students and kids in local churches and para-church ministries for the last 9 years. Vince lives on the west side of Madison, Wisconsin with his wife Joanna and is currently an associate pastor at High Point Church.

Putting the Greatest Story to Music

It’s no secret that music is one of the most effective tools to help kids memorize information. We’ve seen in week after week through our Classical Conversations curriculum as we memorize the events of world history.

This added dimension of connection sticks the information to their core memory and uses more of their basic senses to hold important facts for longer periods of time. When it comes to learning the Bible (the greatest story EVER told), connecting the stories to music helps to retain the knowledge, the order, and the time in history.

[bctt tweet=”When you show kids how to pray and read the Bible, you’re showing them that God doesn’t just live at church, but that He’s with you all the time” username=”PracticalFamily”]

Learning the Bible in Chronological Order

Vince works with kids every week and while he and other church leaders encourage them to read the Bible on their own…. they can’t connect the sweet Sunday school stories to the actual canonical layout of scripture.

As you may have noticed, the Bible is not organized in order of how events happened in history, so we need to help kids find which books contain which stories (you won’t find “Abraham” in the table of contents!).

Stories into Songs

Vince shares his musical journey from being forced to learn piano as a kid (haha), to trying out the music scene, to becoming a children’s pastor. He tried to make it in the music scene, but was eventually called back to ministry. At one point, he questioned whether or not to put an album like this together, figuring someone’s already done this. “Why should I even try?” he wondered.

But with the help of his church, the Greatest Story in album form became a reality and was even performed by the church as a musical.

It’s amazing what we can do with God’s leading, and what lengths the Lord goes to make his message known.

This is what believers in God have done from the beginning, they’ve taken the stories and put them to songs. (i.e., David in the Psalms). The Greatest Story Ever Told Album contains “episodes” ordered in the context of historical events, so you can learn about the history of scripture as you sing along with the family.

Click here to purchase a copy of the album from iTunes today!

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