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7 Tips for Selling Used Stuff Online
Selling unwanted items online can be very frustrating. Here are 7 simple tips to make the process easier!
How to Help the Kids Focus on School at Home
Learn how to create a routine and environment that makes it easy for your kids to focus on school at home.
Handling the Uncertainty of School
All the uncertainty of school this fall can fill parents with anxiety. Here are some encouragements to ease your stress!
Who Was Book List – Classical Conversations Cycle 3
A comprehensive list of the Who Was books to coincide with Cycle 3 of the Classical Conversations curriculum. Click our link to purchase books on Amazon!
Let’s Finish the School Year Strong!
As we move into May, we are finally able to enjoy a little more predictability. Let’s help our kids (and ourselves) focus on the good things to come, and finish the school year strong!
Meal Planning: Social Distance Style
Because of social distancing, grocery stores have been unpredictable. We need to change the way we approach meal planning. Take the stress out of planning dinners with this simple four-step approach!
5 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Family During Any Crisis
You can prepare for crisis by planning ahead for what your family needs. Here are the top five things you can start today to be ready for anything!
Experiencing Astronomy and Biology
You can help your kids experience astronomy, biology, and a host of other subjects with the help of parent experts. Join my video convo with Luke Gilkerson.
Declutter Deadline: Use It or Lose It!
Having trouble deciding to let go of something? Set a declutter deadline! If you don’t use it by the deadline, it’s time to let it go.