Focus and Finish!

Focus and Finish!

Jessica glanced at the clock again and grunted in frustration.  In just 15 minutes, she would have to leave to pick up her daughter from pre-school, and those precious few hours of freedom would be over. Yet again, she had run around all morning, but hadn’t finished...
Why You Shouldn’t Clean-Sweep Your Garage

Why You Shouldn’t Clean-Sweep Your Garage

Did you know that most garages are totally disorganized and filled with clutter and unnecessary extras? If you have ever apologized for the state of your garage (or basement, or attic, or that closet you hope nobody looks inside), you are definitely not alone! Most of...
The Christmas Gratitude Plan

The Christmas Gratitude Plan

What happened when your kids opened their gift last Christmas? Chances are, every time they saw a new toy, they wanted to rip open the box and begin playing with it immediately. Maybe you got them to say thank you to the relative before they opened the gift. But at...

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