Enjoy the Freedom of Routine

Enjoy the Freedom of Routine

When we hear the word “routine,” we think of doing the same things either in the same way, at the same time, or in the same order.  Doesn’t that sound limiting and confining? Isn’t that the opposite of freedom? Well . . . it depends on what form of freedom you...
How to Intentionalize Your To-Do List

How to Intentionalize Your To-Do List

Back in January, I launched a playlist on the Practical Family YouTube Channel called “Intentionalize.”  Each video is about anticipating the most common problems within a specific aspect of home-management, and solving them before they begin.  Although the solutions...
Turn the Clean-Up Battle Into a Win-Win!

Turn the Clean-Up Battle Into a Win-Win!

About a year and a half ago, I was working with a client named Sarah. She is a stay at-home mom of a toddler and a preschooler, and she runs a little side business out of her home.  She definitely had a full schedule! Sarah’s house was not large enough for either a...

Intentionality Makes All the Difference

Once upon a time, two families went on a beach vacation together.  The two families were the same in almost every way.  They each had two children of the same ages, and they had matching rooms in the same hotel just across the hall from each other.  They even brought...

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