How Messy is Too Messy?

How Messy is Too Messy?

When people find out that I coach women on home-management skills, they often jump to the assumption that my home is in perfect order all the time. Some are even surprised when they visit and see that we have random stuff scattered all over the house. Surprise! We are...
Why Spring Cleaning is So Good!

Why Spring Cleaning is So Good!

Have you ever wondered what Spring Cleaning was like for the Ingalls Family on the prairie?   After stocking up as much as possible before winter hit, running the ash-filled fireplace constantly through the cold months, and not having access to much fresh air . . .  I...
Episode 033 | Home on Purpose – Part 1

Episode 033 | Home on Purpose – Part 1

You don’t have to be an “organized” person to be intentional with things in your home. Messy drawers, jumbled closets & piled possessions don’t have to be a source of contention in your family. Trisha Childers encourages us to think...

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