I didn’t believe it was possible to feel so alone with so many people in my house.
There are seasons where so much weighs on my heart, and I just can’t find someone to talk to about it.
Even though I trust God, read my Bible, and pray, I still believe He uses His people to be the hands of feet of His love.
I just needed someone with a willing heart to be a listening ear.
Someone who would take the time to understand and support me through a season of life that was tough.
Someone who I could trust to hear my heart, and be a wise and objective sounding board.
If this sounds like you, too… I want to help.
Benefits of Personal Coaching
I’ve played many sports through the years, and I can tell you that the best coaches never try to have all the answers, but they always try to push you to be your best.
Life coaches are very similar:
- They listen to your biggest struggles
- They ask questions that help you to problem-solve
- They walk alongside and help you discover new strategies and strengths
- They challenge you to grow and learn from your missteps
- They encourage and cheer for you when you get the win!

Everyone needs a personal cheerleader. Someone who is on your side and can hold you up when you get down. If you don’t want to stay stuck in the same place, constantly worrying about the same things, then you may need someone to enter your world from the outside.
Someone who gets you, sees the heart behind your frustration, and can lead you through the fog.
Sometimes the things we worry about just need a simple action plan, a gentle nod, or the cheer that shouts, “You can do this!”
Other times, we need someone to ask the right questions that will get us back on track.
As Christian women, we need someone who knows and loves Jesus, sees us a precious daughter of God, and can help us see His purpose for our lives.
How I Can Help
There are few things that excite me more than being able to help someone figure out a personal problem. I’ve been working with people for as long as I can remember, and it is a joy for me to see someone learn and grow.
Here is a snapshot of my personality, and if you click on the headings, you can learn more about what these type indicator tests are about. (I use these tools a lot in coaching sessions).
Spiritual Gifts
Teaching, Exhortation, Administration, Mercy
2 – Helper
Meyer’s Briggs
INFJ – Advocate
Input, Individualization, Activator, Learner, Empathy

I’m a people person who can help you understand your feelings, adopt new perspectives, and make a plan.
My husband and I have been married for 13 years, so we’ve been through plenty of ups and downs, misunderstandings, and miscommunication.
The good thing is, I know there is hope on the other side of marital conflict: God’s gracious work in sanding our rough edges to make us more like Him. I can honestly say we love and appreciate each other more every day and continue to grow together.
We are the proud parents of a 9 year old feisty and strong-willed boy and theatrical 10 year old girl. They are amazing little people, incredibly unique, and keep us on our toes. Learning to parent them better also continues to shape me.
As a former middle school teacher, I have training and have worked with families and other educational professionals around this stage of growth and development. When teens begin to separate from their parents and form their own identity, middle school becomes a crucial stage to understand as you support your own kids through this time of life.
With 20+ years of experience in church & family ministry, Bible study, and theological training, I can help you navigate your own spiritual gifts and where the Lord may be leading you to bless others and be the best mom for your kids.
I can help you see the practical side of life, business, and learning

As a Christian woman, I can help you to...
- Understand how to study the Bible
- Navigate using your gifts to serve in your local church or community
- Help you discover you unique, God-given gifts
- Find your identity as a child of God & daughter of the King
As a Wife, I can help you to...
- Know you're not alone in the struggle to have a healthy marriage
- Love your husband even when it's difficult
- Walk through strategies for better communication
As a Mother, I can help you to...
- Talk through the rough days of parenting infants, toddlers, & school-aged children
- Navigate the transition from work to home
- Come up with a plan to manage your household, conquer clutter, and find organizational systems that work for you
- See how your unique qualities are just what your family needs
As an Educator, I can help you to...
- Decide which path of education might be beneficial for your kids
- Find courage to embrace your strengths to teach your children
- Come up with resources & teaching strategies that may work best for your children
As a Business owner, I can help you to...
- Decide which tasks and tools are necessary to manage your business
- Organize goals in time increments that work for you
- Market your business through social media avenues
As a Writer & Blogger, I can help you to...
- Take your strengths and use them to create meaningful content
- Find tools to design your brand & manage content
- Market your brand across social media
Jennifer speaks with humility and grace as she shares her experiences of raising grateful tiny humans while being a loving wife and running a practical home. She is full of great resources and Godly encouragement to help you navigate the journey of family life.
Jenn Bryant embodies the Titus 2 woman. She speaks with love, encourages with kindness, and teaches with the wisdom of an experienced mother, wife, and woman of God.
My time with Jenn was so encouraging to me as an aspiring writer. Her feedback was specific enough that I left with confidence I could improve my work and yet general enough that I could stay true to my own author’s voice. She suggested things to help keep my focus tight and engage the reader in a captivating way, as well as prune away those things that distract from the what I’m trying to say. If writing is your passion but you need a friendly guide to help point your in the right direction, then coaching with Jenn is a great investment!

I would love to get to know you better. Please use the form below to schedule your time with me. This small investment in your emotional and spiritual health will help me to dedicate my own time, resources, and natural giftings to help you walk away with confidence and take the next necessary steps in your life.