Our guest writer Tonya Kubo presents a series based on her marriage, and the role of each parnter in a neurodivergent relationship. Other topics include Executive Function Disorder, ADHD, and similar diagnoses which affect behavior and communication.
Neurodiversity in Marriage: Redefining Romance in the Modern Age
Neurodiversity in Marriage: Redefining Romance in the Modern Age by Tonya Kubo Brian and I married a year and a day after we met. A whirlwind courtship that left me breathless. He said the right things, did the right things and left every single woman I knew asking,...
Neurodiversity in Marriage: Practical Ways to Parent When You’re Wired Differently
Neurodiversity in Marriage: Practical Ways to Parent When You’re Wired Differently When I think of practical ways to parent, the top guiding principle in our family is WE ARE TEAM KUBO. It’s short, sweet, to the point and an excellent reminder that at the end of the...
Neurodiversity in Marriage: Minding Money Matters
Money is the leading cause of divorce in the U.S. There is so much history, emotion and belief tied up in how people handle money. The neurodiverse couple is no different. Though money matters are something all married couples must negotiate, they can be especially...
Neurodiversity in Marriage: Why a Difficult Marriage isn’t a Bad Marriage
When we first married, I had high hopes of a biblical marriage. I looked forward to being the heart of the home with my husband at the head. We both did. We talked about it during our premarital counseling sessions and when we daydreamed together of what life would be...