Disclosure: This post contains homeschool science curriculum with affiliate links. All products have been tested by our family and we highly recommend them. Some products were given to our family in exchange for an honest review. Links that are clicked from our page that may eventually lead to a purchase will render a small commission to our family which will help to support this blog.
Creation Science Curriculum
I was all set to go to a well-known university in northern California. Mom and I flew up to take the tour and my college life would begin just a few short months after.
But something in me didn’t sit right. I mean, I wanted to study journalism, maybe be a reporter someday… but I also had a passion for teaching. That summer, I got involved with our church’s youth group and we spent a lot of time talking about evangelism and the basics of the Christian faith.
I got to mentor some younger kids in the Bible and they started asking some tough questions. It lit a fire in me to know more about what I believed, and most importantly…why.
I grew up in a Christian family. We were in church every Sunday, had a wonderful group of friends, hosted Bible studies in our home, and my three sibling and I went to summer and winter youth camp every year. I was about to graduate high school, and the idea of my impending independence got me thinking… is all this Christian stuff real? Or do I just do it because that’s what we do?

One day, someone handed me a brochure for California Baptist University, a reputable school right down the street from our church. I perused the pages and my eyes widened when one major caught my eye: Christian Studies.
What?! You can major in Christianity?!
Suddenly, I was dead set on doing THAT. My parents were mostly supportive, questioning my future prospect a bit, but overall excited that I was staying close them them for school.
I didn’t realize the full impact this degree would have on me, even now. Digging into the study of God (theology) and apologetics (the defense of the faith), studying many other religions, philosophies, and eventually the science that backs up the Bible, my faith because deeply, deeply rooted.

I completed a certificate program through Biola University in Christian Apologetics, sitting under great thinkers like J.P. Moreland, Craig Hazen, and William Lane Craig. It was during this time that I became convinced that the Christianity of my childhood was a real, robust, intellectually sound, and scientifically proven belief system.
[bctt tweet=”Parents, there is overwhelming evidence for God, the life and death of Jesus Christ, the Genesis account of creation, and many other subjects you have the opportunity and privilege to teach your kids.” username=”PracticalFamily”]
My only education up to this point was in the public school system, and I had no idea these resources existed. While my college education is almost fifteen years behind me now, the explosion of the information age has made these resources more available than ever.
Homeschool Science Curriculum
Being a homeschool mama now, I have the amazing freedom to geek out over these curriculum options! Some of these companies and authors were people I followed during my apologetics programs, so I can affirm that their information is solid. Enjoy perusing the following options for curriculum as it applies to the Classical Conversations Cycle 1 topics for this year.
Apologia Exploring Creation Science Curriculum
The Young Explorers Series is great for kids ages 6 – 12. Depending on their reading level, you can walk them through chapters or pick and choose activities to emphasize based on the types of animals they would like to study. There are notebook activities, charts, and sample projects, and in the front of the book a shopping list of sorts for all items needed for each of the fourteen lessons.
As we practice classifying animals in Cycle 1 of the Classical Conversations curriculum, you will find this Zoology edition particularly helpful as it places types of animals in their scientific order and name.
This series comes with its own Notebooking Journal (Junior or Regular) that includes opportunities for writing, coloring, labeling, cursive practice, art projects, and more DVD / book selections to supplement the learning.
My Opinion: The textbook definitely reads as a textbook. It’s study material that can be accurately referenced for research papers and oral presentations. Compared to the ICR curriculum (presented below), this one has more words and less impressive pictures. I think Apologia is suitable for older elementary ages and for project / writing based activities more than purely discovery.

Institute for Creation Research (ICR)
Science for Kids Series
ICR’s Science for Kids is a fun read-a-loud series to introduce concepts like space creation, astronomy, dinosaurs, and the fossil records to young children. They are a small, soft-cover, travel size (7″ x 7″), and ideal for kids just being introduced to scientific concepts in an academic sense. There is a simple index in the back to get kids use to researching individual topics.
My Opinion: I think Ages 6 – 10 would enjoy this fun illustrated series and be able to get through one topic at a time. My 8-year-old son loved these books as he is becoming a stronger reader, and can get through one topic per page. I challenged him to read as many pages as he could and it wasn’t daunting for him, be he still learned a lot. These books are a great addition to your homeschool science curriculum with young children.

Institute for Creation Research (ICR)
Guide to Animals Series
The Institute for Creation Research Guide to… Series is a beautiful selection of reference books. There are full page sections that highlight passages of scripture, references to Intelligent Design, Noah’s Ark, and explanations on Jesus’ reference to sheep in the gospels as He is the Lamb of God (John 1:29).
My Opinion: This series reminds me of the Dorling Kindersley (DK) books, just as beautiful with large, clear graphics. I recommend the Guide to God’s Animals or Guide to Creation for Cycle 1. The Guide to the Human Body would be perfect for Cycle 2.
My elementary aged kids love to look through these books for quiet reading time, learn new facts, or use the big bright pictures to trace for art. These are quality publications that you’ll want to keep in your homeschool collection for years.

Genesis: Paradise Lost
Documentary Film
Genesis: Paradise Lost is a graphically captivating documentary on the origins of man from the Biblical account of the book of Genesis. A dramatic reading of scripture behind video depictions and computer animation will bring to life what could have taken place in that account.
In between scenes, renown scientific scholars and theologians speak to the creation account, Biblical history, the scientific community at large, Biblical interpretation, and logical comparisons between secular and Biblical accounts.
There are more breaks on the history of Darwin, timelines of history, “uniformitarianism” vs. “catastophism,” (geologic results of the flood) and how the culture was transformed by their theories. (Remember Cycle 3?!)
My Opinion: This documentary is especially important for Cycle 1. Geology, animals, oceans… you will want to review this over and over or in pieces to help you understand the logical reasons to back the Creationist stance. Older children will grasp these concepts easier or use this to formulate research papers and oral presentations / debates. Younger children can watch for visual representations and take what they can from it to ask more questions.
Most importantly, this documentary brings around the gospel message beautifully at the end.
“We need Jesus Christ, He is the solution to the problem of sin…. it’s only good news because it’s based on the bad news at the beginning of Genesis.”
I highly recommend this resource as a basic understanding of the Creation / Evolution debate, and to solidify your own foundation of faith. This is a must for your homeschool science curriculum video library.
Memorable Quotes
“If evolution is all there is, there is essentially no meaning or purpose…but if there is a God, then the world or reality is altogether different.”
“Believing in the Bible does not mean we reject science. Secular atheists have taken control of museums, universities, public schools… they want their “religion” of secularism, naturalism, atheism named as the only way to believe.”
“How can you not believe that somebody designed all of this?!”
“Jesus is all over Genesis and the deeper you look, you realize it’s all about Him.”