Special Offer for What If Conference Attendees
Session Handout
Click here or on the image to download
45 minute Strategy Session
- Strategy session with Jenn to discuss a project or project idea
- Recorded Zoom call to access again at your convenience
- Customized plan of action
- Discount on future coaching packages (if you choose to continue)
- Confidence to move forward in your giftings to affect positive change!
(Topics I commonly address are listed below)
Offer Ends Soon! Schedule by October 31st
As a Christian woman, I can help you to...
- Understand how to study the Bible
- Navigate using your gifts to serve in your local church or community
- Help you discover you unique, God-given gifts
- Find your identity as a child of God & daughter of the King
As a Wife, I can help you to...
- Know you're not alone in the struggle to have a healthy marriage
- Love your husband even when it's difficult
- Walk through strategies for better communication
As a Mother, I can help you to...
- Talk through the rough days of parenting infants, toddlers, & school-aged children
- Navigate the transition from work to home
- Come up with a plan to manage your household, conquer clutter, and find organizational systems that work for you
- See how your unique qualities are just what your family needs
As an Educator, I can help you to...
- Decide which path of education might be beneficial for your kids
- Find courage to embrace your strengths to teach your children
- Come up with resources & teaching strategies that may work best for your children
As a Business owner, I can help you to...
- Decide which tasks and tools are necessary to manage your business
- Organize goals in time increments that work for you
- Market your business through social media avenues
As a Writer & Blogger, I can help you to...
- Take your strengths and use them to create meaningful content
- Find tools to design your brand & manage content
- Market your brand across social media