Ready to get unstuck from that negative parenting cycle?

When you take this course as a group, you will all gain:
Freedom from negative parenting patterns
A clear sense of purpose and confidence
Practical parenting tools that build life-long character
The joy of seeing your kids grow in wisdom and respect
The ability to see God’s grace like never before

Testimonies from the Spring 2022 Class

Testimonies from the Fall 2022 Class
Jennifer Bryant will facilitate discussion time for this course taught by Jim & Lynn Jackson of Connected Families. Jenn has served at One Love Ministries for over 15 years and specializes in education and parent support. Jenn has trained and worked in the California and Hawaii public schools, private Christian education, early childhood education, and is currently a homeschooling mom.
Jenn founded and is passionate about helping parents work through the struggles of parenting and grow in love and understanding for their kids and themselves. Jenn is a mom of two teens and one fur-baby.